stories behind the design
Spring on the canal
“There is a lure of hidden, undiscovered, almost tribal”

This story came from our experience riding through London Fields in the Hackney district. This was the source of inspiration that led to our Hackney Wool bicycle cover collection.
Act 1
It was fresh this morning, I love mornings like this - crisp, cold but bright blue skies. Today we headed to the canal in London Fields, where narrow roads are still paved in cobblestone from a time gone by - nostalgic for the poet but terrible for cyclists! As our bikes bump over what seems to be an endless patch, our bodies shake and send vibrations through our minds - we pass locals in their inventive albeit discreet fashion, halfway between retro and eccentric.
There is a lure of hidden, inaccessible, almost tribal behind the apparent simplicity of the surrounding architecture. Rows of independent books, clothes and flower shops, some modern, some in touch with the past, even so far as retaining the signage above the door from the Victorians. This revamp of forgotten districts into brave spaces for experimentation, rooted in tradition stayed with us.
Act 2
We enter the canal, framed by waterway boats, with narrow paths built in cobblestone. It leaves our bikes to soak in a gentle vibration that shivers throughout our bodies.
We ride slow, connecting with the surroundings at a different perspective. We relentlessly absorb the magic awaiting at unexpected spots along the path, in a constantly changing landscape.
As we pass under the bridges, climb and drop on the ramps which unveil the way to secretive side roads that we leave unexplored.
Act 3
We’re drawn towards a vibrant crowd with eclectic outfits, their movements appear in slow motion as they enjoy the convenience of a nearby canal boat. It progressively reveals what seems like an improvised party, lined with randomly placed old furnishings that extend to the path.
The boat is awash with bikes covering the roof and the chrome sparkles like the water in the sun.
To our surprise, they admired our rides and invite us aboard. With our bicycle covers to protect from the UV, we’re up to set a sail.
Read about the story behind the Mayfair designs. Contribute your cycling experience to inform our future designs.